Life Loves You.

Embodied Spirituality
Dr. Maura’s Newsletter

July 09, 2022

Life Loves You.

Creating from Inspiration and your Heart’s Desire.


Hey there honey bun,

For those of you that haven’t heard me sing from the mountain tops - I am talking a MEDIUM training!  Three weeks in, and this simple course is rocking my world - because of its clear direction! How to listen, where to be inside as you listen, and how to discern and attune to the highest realm of Loving. I mean. Yes please and thank you! 

After pretty much a lifetime of receiving dreams and inner promptings from using the fine art of WINGING IT, to then mastering skills of receiving guidance with my hands, from said art form, I have been super ready to hone and harness my intuition from a professional. And as happens in group dynamics I am flowing on fast track of united energy and breaking through limiting beliefs that I didn’t realise were attached to attuning to Divine guidance. What a relief!

As it happens, when one leans into a heartfelt calling, and hasn’t leaned in before - all the reasons what held you back come bubbling up - to heal. For me there was no messing around with this process, it happened right away, I WAS PARTNERED WITH THE TEACHER DURING THE FIRST BREAKOUT SESSION!!! Gahhh. Why hello there imposter syndrome. Fancy seeing you here.

When we lean into a heartfelt desire, it is really helpful to have the understanding that heartfelt desire stems from a seed planted in you from the Divine. The seed holds a certain energetic design and for it to germinate and grow, the inner environment needs enough nutrients to support it. The soil must be a vibrational match with the seed aka consciousness must match the dream to be able to usher it in. Because let’s be real - Heart-centered seeds will not grow in a negativity swamp. Seeds will not grow in a self-sabotage aquarium. Seeds will not grow in a cesspool of … you get my drift. So, knowing that the creative process is designed to expand your capacity so that this expression of LIFE can move through you. The seed is designed to break you open and out of your limiting beliefs and patterns. And all that is required is an open and curious heart. 

Back to the course, ok, so here I am opening up to MORE and NEW ways of listening, when good ol’ imposter syndrome thoughts came up with the greatest hits, like the unforgettable “I’m doing it wrong”, and the show stopper from middle school - “you will be too weird and no one will like you.” Oh how catchy that one is. So now remember, when we see this as a KINDNESS and that Life is loving us, we understand that the consistent and relentless thoughts are a strategy to wake us up. Truly. Due to their total lack of creativity and being rehashed again and again, it is pretty easy to identify. And from the nature of their insecurity we can clearly see that they are operating from a PAST reality. (Oh for the love of God my inner middle schooler can never make my life choices ever again everrrr) When we are caught up in the weeds and can’t see that life is trying to wake us up. We believe our insecure thinking and don’t move forward. #innocent

When we understand that the mental pummelling is to wake us up. That we are operating from our past insecurity, the anguish and pain are alerting us that we are coming from our limits and HERE WE ARE AT THE PRECIPICE!! When we can see this, we are the witness to our thinking. We are residing in a higher understanding by seeing the story that we were working from. By staying with ourselves in this consciousness, we are wide open to the very next step, the common sense solution, to the bounty of our resourcefulness when we are settled in the present.  Easy peasy right? Ha.


Truths from following your heart’s desire. 

Life loves you. 

Your dream does not come from your mind. It is a seed planted in your heart and holds a certain frequency.

It is designed to grow and shift and take up space within you. It is designed break you open from confines of your conditioning. Break you through to levels of your aliveness that your soul whispers 
to you. 

You are not making it up. If you have a dream, it is meant to influence you, inform you, teach you about your path. Throw out timelines. The ego will ravish you in misery with that nonsense. We only work in the Now.

When we are at a point of expansion, often the nervous system perceives that you are outside of your comfort zone - it responds with Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn. Your insecure thinking bubbles up. The voice is fearful, incessant and limiting. Don’t trust bullies.

THESE ARE HELPFUL SIGNS. They show that you are at a precipice. They are trying to wake you up to your present, mature self. 

When you awaken from the story, you are in a place of witnessing your thinking. This place of witnessing is your True Self watching you play the game of Life. In this place you are completely present. In this place you have access to the wisdom of your heart and your angels and the Beloved. The words spoken ride on Loving. The words are textured with a sense of the strong hand of a grandmother. Clear, direct, loving. This is the voice that is attuned to your dream.. Definitely listen to your grandmother.

And that my friends is what I channeled for our group in the fall. It is going to be epic. And here’s why, those that feel this, are going to join. An intentional group with this vibration is going to take you where you want to be. Inner and outer.

This is a powerful, intentional 3 months of deeply immersing yourself with practices and skills to create from Divine Inspiration. After identifying your desire we move through attuning to your inner-knowing frequency, unhook from limiting beliefs & patterns, and taking action to birth your next chapter. 

The alchemical process of being a vessel for the formless to take form is something you will take with you. It is going to be everything. I am just so very excited to journey with you.

- Live Group Calls:

Mon., Sept 12th & 26th. 9:30am - 11:30am PST

Mon., Oct. 10th & 24th. 9:30am - 11:30am PST

Mon., Nov. 14th & 28th. 9:30am - 11:30am PST

- Two 1:1 coaching calls with Dr. Maura 

 -  Accountability support -  group/email (for those that seek more community or less)

  - Weekly emails containing energetic tools and rituals for moving through your inner resistance and outer blocks. Meditations and practices to attune you to your intuition and higher consciousness. 


One time payment: $2,222

(Sign up by 8/8 $222 discount - code SPIRAL in all caps.)

Our Cancellation & Refund Policy: 95% refunds are available up to 7 days before the start of the program.

By purchasing this product, you agree to our Terms & Conditions.

Please oh please reach out with any questions. 

Love you,
Dr. Maura



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