The MoonRise Mentorship Program

A 9-month transformational program for women ready to embrace their full potential.

You are an extension of the infinite.

Every cell, tissue, organ, thought, feeling, unconscious wiring - all of it, all of you is designed perfectly for your awakening into the truth of who you are.

Even the “bad” parts. Especially the “bad” parts. How else can life wake you up? How else can the steadfast commitment to the rote narrative of the mind/ego be shaken up out of the illusion that you are not enough? That life is hard? That you can only take what you can get? How else do we break free from the limits our mind believes?

Here’s what’s true: EVERYTHING can be used as a portal inward & into the infinite. And when we begin to get curious & lean in, providence meets us right there, and the veil lifts. The desire in your heart to express your gifts and talents is your path. If you are courageous enough to listen to the steady beat encouraging you onward, you will gain all the tools needed for its growth. For your growth. They are one and the same.

Do you know what happens when you are surrounded by people who see your light and encourage your expression? You begin to test it out. You begin to accrue evidence that you may be the lovable, wise, generous, and powerful human they say you are. You know what else happens? As you practice expanding your experience of yourself and witness the others around you practice the path of growth - being cracked wide open over and over, is normalized. Encouraged even. The path of opening up into more of your aliveness is celebrated.

This year, due to a personal multiple orgasmic cracking wide open, bring me to my knees-

MoonRise Mastermind is now MoonRise Mentorship
so we can just call it like it is.

This is a highly transformational 9-month program for female creatives who recognize that they create their inner life experience. That they are inherently powerful. That they are fundamentally designed to create life. Over and over. And that their power comes from their willingness to soften and surrender, despite the world telling them that their safety comes from how much they can push and force and willpower their way through.

This course will impact every area of your life - your biz, health, and relationships. Because it's focused on your conscious connection to life. It's focused on you opening more and more to you.

This group is NOT for everyone. It is not for those who are still hooked into the thinking that something or someone outside of themselves has the keys to their unlocking. You and your relationship with yourself is the only place you will find them. If you are curious about going on the inner adventure to create the outer expression, you're in the right place. And doing this work in a group consciousness makes the rise so much more easy and fun. 

The Details

  • May 2024- January 2025

  • 3 in-person retreats

  • 2 group calls/month

  • 1 1:1 with Maura/month

  • 4 1:1 w/ Jason for Divine Masculine support

  • Access to all the workshops and offerings Maura does within our 9-month container under 6k, membership to RB

  • Sister support

  • I add in other things as the group takes hold - in the past I've added optional weekly meditation, weekly somatic practices. I will see what the group desires and add goodies based on that. 


Dr. Maura Moynihan

Dr. Maura is a seasoned practitioner who has dedicated over 17 years to alternative healing practices, including chiropractic, craniosacral therapy, breathwork, and energy medicine. With a profound focus on the transformative journey of birth in all its forms, she has evolved her practice from hands-on treatments to soul work, guiding women through their personal and professional growth. Dr. Maura supports individuals in unlocking their innate potential and embarking on unique paths of aliveness and empowerment. Her work is deeply rooted in the principles of the Divine Feminine, consciousness, and intuitive healing, offering a holistic approach to wellness and self-discovery.


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