For 16 years, I would sit and listen to my patients tell me about their pain. Initially, most folks would come to me for their body pain. Over time, they would come with emotional pain, fear, overwhelm, grief. And they would know that the areas that their body was holding the emotions were the areas that hurt. And we'd sit and I'd listen and see what tool would be the best to meet them as they opened up around their pain. Sometimes it was chiropractic. Sometimes craniosacralal. Always it was Love.

I graduated with my master's degree in Spiritual Psychology with an emphasis on consciousness, health, and healing in 2011. At the time, I was pregnant with my third son, I have four and my career was focused on supporting family wellness, my specialty was pregnancy and pediatrics. The longer I worked on bodies, the more I experienced how their bodies were always communicating loving guidance to them. How every symptom held a love note, how every diagnosis was a portal inward. And when I began to add Revelation Breathwork into the sessions I saw how every time the pain was felt fully, there was a piece of guidance that would come through.

Every time.

In 2021, after a series of life events and death events, Jason and I moved our family from our beautiful life in LA to the Blue Ridge Mountains. Here life slowed down enough for me to fully focus on coaching women to consciously create the next chapter of their life. And use everything that they are dealing with as an invitation inward where the wisdom resides and the knowing of who we need to BE to usher in our dreams is held.

Current offerings:

  • 1:1 coaching packages

  • MoonRise Mentorship - 9-month program of 8 heart-centered women 

  • In-person 3 day intensives in Ashville

  • Revelation Breathwork Facilitator Training

  • Spiral Group Coaching - I offer a couple of times a year when inspiration hits