Creating from Heart's Desire

Good morning sweet potato!

I hope that you and yours are well and enjoying your July! Every July since I've known Jason, we have gone to his parents' lake house on Lake Champlain. This is a really special place for our family, and in the nature of TRANSITIONS this year, last March they sold their precious land to move on down to Asheville to share this chapter of life together.

And when I say closer to us I mean...



For real.

And you wouldn't believe it. Maybe because I couldn't believe it. It has been so very amazing. Pinch me. To be clear, their goal is to find their own glorious space close by but until then, we are living as 'the village" that I always yearned for. Everyone contributes by making food, driving kids, planting in the garden, cleaning up, the works. It definitely helps that we live in a freaking huge house (yay North Carolina!) so there's plenty of room for personal space, hiding out and being a hermit (me), so all bases are covered.

And as for the things that used to push my buttons, well that's the grace and perspective from Louis' passing, everything is right-sized. Behaviors that used to drive me nuts, I can now see are reflections of anxiety and overwhelm. Annoying personality traits are now recognized as strategies to settle nervous systems, this rides on the understanding that we are consciously choosing this and that we love each other. I know, sounds simple and obvious, but a switch was flipped. I want to enjoy this time and place, so taking things lightly naturally occurs.

For those that have known me, you know that this is a full-on miracle. The lens that I used to look through would interpret things very personally, I would suffer a lot from getting caught in all sorts of scenarios that were made up in my mind. I was coming at life like I needed to always "fix things," "make people happy" (barf), "be good" (diarrhea + barf). What an exhausting way to spend one's life. And it is innocently just being caught up in one's conditioned thinking. The thing is, it's normal and very innocent. AND when we can identify when we are caught up in our thinking, it is much easier to be alerted that we are in the same old story and redirect our attention toward the expansive nature of life. The gig is up. We've cracked the code. No longer are we making choices from our programming, we now make choices from the direction of our heart's desires.

Ok back to cohabitating with family. Let's be real, we're not robots. I certainly have a healthy human experience filled with moods and triggers. The thing is I can see when they are happening so when I am feeling nutty, I understand that my mood is low and I don't respect what I am thinking. When I take care of myself and settle, usually take myself to bed, sleep it off and then see what I can see with clear eyes.
For instance, when I am in a low mood, I will fight you if you chew with your mouth open. If I am "normal" I don't notice much. Behavior is based on state of mind. Behavior is therefore never personal.
Behavior is based on what you are thinking.

And with all that, here's what I've got for you today xx

  • Your body loves you.

  • Life is always conspiring in your favor.

  • Opportunities are everywhere.

  • The wellspring of joy and the map of creation is inside my heart.

On repeat.

Do you know what happens when you point yourself in the direction of Life's love for you? When you fill your consciousness with these truths. Naturally, they will affect your behavior. Your choices. And the more you lean in, the more you accrue evidence that this expanded state is available. You begin to see opportunities that your old narrative would never have allowed you to see before. Life opens up. Because you have opened up to it. This is a fundamental aspect of creating your experience. If you believe life is hard and you have to sacrifice - you make choices based on that and have those experiences. If you think and believe that life is always supporting your highest good, that your body loves you, and that miracles are ordinary expressions of life - you make choices based on that and have experiences from those choices. (#thespiral #thisfall )

In the past, I was hesitant to fully buy into this. I mean wasn't this spiritually bypassing? Wasn't this positive toxicity? Wasn't this dismissing all the pain and suffering in the world?

This is what Einstein said- we cannot solve the problem with the same thinking used that created them. Therefore, having a spiritual practice and seeking perspectives and altitudes to experiences is one of the most selfless things we can do. By consistently calling ourselves into higher consciousnesses, we have access to insights that are not available when we are focusing on the problem. This does not mean that we don't feel empathy and compassion, it means that we deeply feel it and that perpetuates our practice, to be the presence of Love.

I am VERY, VERY excited to be hosting a free workshop about what is happening in The Spiral this fall. This group was inspired to support women by expanding their experience into more of their heart's desires. The work that we will be practicing is primarily attuning to your beliefs, your capacity, and your energy. It will support you with understanding how to fortify the field that you are creating from. This is the DIVINE FEMININE way. We all have a lot of practice creating from the masculine - willing, pushing, strategizing & taking action. Often when we spend a lot of time focusing here, we get caught up in perfectionism and making the creative process personal. This is a sure way to get stuck.

What I have found is that when we begin the process of nurturing the figurative womb space, from which all creation grows, we understand the impersonal wisdom of creation. And then we are able to be the neutral container for it. We can attune to it, and have gratitude for it, without identifying with how/when/if it unfolds. We are free to explore and have fun with the process. We are the vessel, completely connected to the wisdom that travels through and completely free of grasping and getting tangled with what other people think, if we are good enough, etc.

When we receive inspiration, if we allow it to move through us, it is DESIGNED to inform us of how we can usher it through. It is DESIGNED to stretch us, teach us, and strengthen us. It is designed to inform us - of our capacity, our connection, and how to expand into our next chapter. Our inspiration/heart's desire/creative urge is DIVINE. It is NOT coming from our minds. It is a gift given. And this Fall, together we will journey through the process of allowing it to move through.

On Monday, August 1st from 12:30-1:30pm EST on Zoom, I'm hosting a call to EXPLORE, do some exercises and for you to get a feel for the energy - bring an open and curious heart. Will be recorded, however, I highly recommend you be there. xx

Your Body is your Antenna 

The Path of Expansion

The best thing about FB is the Birthdays and the Memories, I was reminded of this one recently. 

Back in 2008, I was halfway through my master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology with a third-year emphasis on Consciousness, Health, and Healing. I was a young mom of two babies, building my practice, tending to the household, partnering, friending, and wildly uncomfortable bumping up against the limitations of my conditioning. I was attempting to be “good” while expanding into being TRUE. They felt like opposites and I couldn't really see clearly until I broke some of the doors down. For instance, I needed to see how I could possibly be a “good” mom when I am spending more time away from my kids. What it would look like to be a “good” partner AND need more time for ME, etc. All of this was climaxing as I was wrapping up my 2nd-year project. The project was taking 9 months to bring a heartfelt project into the world and I was nearly complete.

I had chosen to train for and run the San Diego Rock ‘n Roll marathon. Simple, right? It was perfect and heartfelt. I had identified as an accomplished runner throughout college yet never run a marathon. So, after a lot of time and effort, it was the week before the race and I had just finished my longest run yet and felt AMAZING. I felt so strong and fast and light. I was thrilled by how healthy and strong my body was. I was on a runner's high when I got home, I went inside to take a shower and I looked in the mirror after I took my sports bra off. I was perplexed. It looked like someone with VERY long fingernails scratched the crap out of the bottom of my breasts. WHAT? HOW? HUH? There were no pebbles or sand in my bra, I certainly was not aware of any pain while running. So very weird, but it didn't hurt so I didn't think about it.

Two days later I went for my recovery jog to keep muscles open and lactic acid flowing, I was going nice and easy when all of a sudden with every step on my right leg there was a sharp pain that shot through my groin. Um. Hello. WHAT? I had run for over a decade at this point and had experienced all sorts of injuries and body soreness. But never were there lightning bolts shooting through my lady parts before. I slowly hobbled home, confused and disappointed. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?? Why is my body doing this?? I felt so good and strong! I just want to do my project well. I just want to run my race! I have been preparing for 8 months!! WHYYYYY???  

When I got home and journaled - because that is how I can see beyond my thinking, I saw, clear as day. That my FEMININITY was YELLING at me. No longer, she said, will you create from forcing and pushing and striving (solely). No more will you experience your worthiness from how much you can produce or how much you can win. Now you must learn to create from the feminine. So I switched my entire project at the end of the year, to a SELF-NURTURING project.

My projects shifting into Self-nurturing is where I learned how to create from the field of inspiration, rather than create from my will, as I had done in the past. If my mind was in charge, I would have been focused on the goal. Success was running the race. Thank all that is good and holy that it is not my mind that is in charge. The Divine Plan is in charge, and when we can lean in, to whatever our desire is, we will be engaged with an intelligence far greater than our mind. 

And our bodies are attuned to this intelligence, they are always giving us feedback on how to awaken into more of the mystery. When your body speaks to you, it is carrying wisdom. Sometimes really simple wisdom like - rest, apologize, or hydrate. And sometimes it is much bigger. Give it a go. Next time your body speaks to you, listen. But not with your intellectual wisdom. Slow down, place your hands on where she is calling to you and greet her like someone you love. "I hear you, sweet body. I am right here. What do you need?' And then receive. You are not making it up. The body communicates with poetry and memories and imagery. Stay curious. 

Love you,
Dr. Maura
Doctor of Chiropractic, Craniosacral, Intuitive, High School Sweetheart, Momma of 4 beautiful boys, avid reader, exercise junky, popcorn enthusiast, and Netflix binger. M.A. Spiritual Psychology with an emphasis on Consciousness, Health, and Healing - Spiritual Life Coach for women.

Click here to watch a recent IG video about moving energy.


Life Loves You.