It’s been almost a decade since I began working with Maura—She’s helped me through bodywork, through group coaching, and most recently through one on one coaching work. As I sit to write this, I find myself overcome with the challenge of encompassing what she’s facilitated and the magnitude of the healing and transformation that has happened over 9 months. I sought her out this round because my life took a turn I couldn’t have guessed at if I had 6000 crystal balls. I was presented with a situation which had me question everything I thought I knew and wanted in my life. All my ways of sorting through circumstances didn’t seem to apply here, and I needed someone to help me clarify what my soul was calling in. I trust Maura with my life, and I felt safe enough with her to share the full spectrum of feelings and fears and dreams and contradictions that were coming up as my heart truly broke for the first time.

What I can say 9 months later is that I feel closer to myself and my purpose(s) in this lifetime than I have ever felt. I feel an integrated intimacy with my own creativity that I have been reaching towards for decades. I feel at once clear on the necessity of the devastation I went through and completely open to the Mystery of what lies ahead. I feel profoundly able to be present with and embrace the moment to moment of the life I am living while my inner life continues to cue and connect me to where I want to point myself.

I am someone with a vibrant spiritual life and many practices, and surrendering to Life while being a powerful creator is a balance I have sought with fervor since I was a child. I believe working with Maura during this time was the ultimate expression of Life loving me back to Life. The combination of her guidance, which is in turns gentle, funny, relatable, deeply intuitive and magnificently, authentically wise, with my desire to use this for my evolution and growth has led me to a place of awe. Awe that Life is loving enough to break me down in order to put me back together with more light inside. Awe that if I listen, Life is always showing me exactly what is available—infinite love, infinite possibility, infinite connection. 

This work is not for someone who wants to be told a linear set of steps to follow to achieve a prescribed outcome. This is work for those who want to embrace the power of our own souls to walk as part of Divine Creation. To bathe our hearts in love until they glow and light our way. To come from a space of unlimited compassion for everyone we are in contact with and most of all with ourselves. To make dear friends with resistance and obstacles-- in fact to get excited when they show up. I am already eager for the next iteration of my work with her. She is a teacher, a guide, a fellow traveler, and a cherished friend. 


