Your Body Holds the Keys for Your Direction

You are a powerful creator here to follow the desires in your heart. Anything that comes up inside of you to convince you that you can’t, that you’re not enough, or that things are too out of your reach is exactly there for you to use for your evolution. 

Let’s Create Magic


Everything You Want Lies in Your Relationship With Yourself

What you think about creates your reality. When you start thinking thoughts that Life loves you, your nervous system settles. You feel safe. When you feel safe, you naturally think of other expansive truths—like “Maybe I could do X” and your body is able to be present with those ideas and you are drawn towards the next step.

Our work in 1:1 coaching or group settings will take you inward—into your patterns, desires, and knowing—and outward taking action from a place of understanding and support.

We will go on a journey to rebalance your nervous system as we ground ourselves in Spiritual Psychology principles to break through old patterns and birth the next chapter of your aliveness.

Moonrise Mentorship

Take part in a 10-month program designed for women who are ready to create the next level of their service/business from the inside out. We will incorporate intuition, prayer, sisterhood, dream work, ritual, and creative aspects of the Divine Feminine to fuel your expansion.

1:1 Coaching

This offering is an intimate container led by your heart’s desire. We start with exploring how you experience and relate to the world–what your beliefs, nervous system responses, and strengths are, and where you are challenged so that we can make some serious shifts and guide you towards your heart.

Revelation Breathwork

Join a global community committed to healing through this active meditation that is an embodiment practice designed around Spiritual Psychology principles, chakra activations, and a curated playlist for you to experience your True Self free of the thinking mind. 
